NOTICE of Petition by Dynegy for an Adjusted Standard (AS 2024-004) before the Illinois Pollution Control Board Dynegy Midwest Generation, LLC, Illinois Power Generating Company, and Kincaid Generation, LLC (collectively, “Dynegy”) filed a petition for an adjusted standard with the Illinois Pollution Control Board on August 14, 2023 (docket […]
Other News
Police Reports
The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]
Field School is official!
On Wednesday, Aug. 16, some 250 students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators turned out for a ribbon-cutting celebration at the newly-rebuilt Field Elementary School. Pictured are (from left): District 205 School Board members Courtenae Trautmann and Kara Caforio, Field School principal Heidi Thomas, District 205 superintendent Dr. Keisha Campbell (with […]
Elmhurst loses great humanitarian
Rich Rosenberg passes on at age 83 By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent “Elmhurst has lost two of its greatest business leaders. Not only were they each wonderfully successful in their commercial endeavors, they each gave so much back to the community. I think of Rich’s Special Kids Day […]
8/24/23 Print Versions
Willis Johnson passes away at 86
By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent It was quite a stunner last week when the residents of Elmhurst learned the news that Willis Johnson, long-time owner of Classic Cinemas, which includes Elmhurst’s York Theatre, had passed away at the age of 86. Willis Gamble Johnson, 86, was born on […]
8/17/23 Print Versions
Addison man accused of setting fire to parked car; Incident was close to occupied apartment building
DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin and Addison Director of Police Timothy “Bill” Hayden have announced that bond has been set for an Addison man accused of setting fire to an acquaintance’s car that was parked just feet from an occupied apartment building. Ernesto Hernandez, 34, appeared in bond court […]
Council Capsules; Here’s what’s going on at Elmhurst City Hall
By Dee Longfellow FOR THE ELMHURST INDEPENDENT At the Elmhurst City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 7, a brief discussion was held about the updates recently proposed to the City’s Purchasing Policy. Finance Chair Alderman Noel Talluto (4th Ward) began by thanking the City staff for their hard work on […]
Demolition of former Lizzadro Museum building begins this month
The demolition of the former Lizzadro Museum building in Wilder Park will begin this month. On Monday, Aug. 7, fencing was scheduled go up around the building. Demolition work, beginning with the interior, will begin Monday, Aug. 14, approximately. The removal of the building will bring more green space to […]