Elmhurst News

Elmhurst News Police Reports

Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]

Elmhurst News Police Reports

Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]

Elmhurst News

Elmhurst Garden Club awards scholarship to York junior; Maddie Valeski to attend Engineering Institute at MSU over summer

Maddie Valeski, York Community High School junior student, was awarded an Elmhurst Garden Club (EGC) Scholarship which she will use to attend Michigan State University High School Engineering Institute this summer. In her scholarship application, Valeski spoke of her interest in the “science behind agriculture – specifically food and water […]