The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]
Elmhurst News
Hird, King lead record field at 4 on the 4th
A record field of runners toed the line on the Fourth of July for the 18th Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th. An all-time high of 1,286 runners registered for either the 4-mile or the Kids 1K, with a record 1,059 finishing the 4-mile. The Kids 1K had 112 […]
Scenes from this year’s annual ‘4 on the 4th’ race
On Tuesday, July 4, the 18th annual Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th race stepped off right on schedule, starting and finishing on Prospect Ave. between Elmhurst University and Wilder Park. The four-mile event was followed by a one-kilometer Kids Race for ages 5-12. The 4 […]
Fire up the grill, time for the ‘CUE!; EWAN’s Cue for a Cause returns Sept. 3
It’s time once again for local grill masters to put their smoking skills to the test by registering to compete in the 2023 ‘Cue for a Cause benefitting the Elmhurst Walk-in Assistance Network (EWAN). The event will take place on Sunday, Sept. 3 in the City parking lot at York […]
Water main breaks at Poplar and Crescent; Some residents under boil order; lifted Monday
By Dee Longfellow FOR THE ELMHURST INDEPENDENT City crews were on the scene on Wednesday, July 5, following a break in the water main at Poplar and Crescent. The cause of the break was due to work performed by Nicor on Wednesday afternoon, according to the City, which issued frequent […]
Police Reports
The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]
Precautionary Boiling Water in Southeast Elmhurst No Longer Required
On Wednesday, July 5th, a water main break occurred in Southeast Elmhurst causing a precautionary boil order. Repairs are now complete and the necessary flushing and purification verification steps have also been complete. After several days of testing, water samples have been confirmed to be free of coliform bacteria by […]
Update 7/8 at 4pm – Precautionary boil order remains pending test results.
Southeast Elmhurst has been placed on a precautionary boil order since Wednesday, July 5th due to a broken water main in the area. Saturday’s IEPA round of water testing samples passed, however the precautionary boil order remains in place pending Sunday’s test results. Due to an initial failed water test, IEPA laws […]
Poplar and Crescent Water Main Repair Update 7/7/23 at 9:00 a.m.:
Precautionary Boil Order Remains in Effect Pending Passing Lab Results The broken water main has been replaced. Flushing of the affected area (map) is complete and water samples to detect growth of coliform were delivered to a lab yesterday (per State regulations). Nearly 100 water samples needed to be collected, […]
Elmhurst Garden Club awards scholarship to York junior; Maddie Valeski to attend Engineering Institute at MSU over summer
Maddie Valeski, York Community High School junior student, was awarded an Elmhurst Garden Club (EGC) Scholarship which she will use to attend Michigan State University High School Engineering Institute this summer. In her scholarship application, Valeski spoke of her interest in the “science behind agriculture – specifically food and water […]