Other News
Elmhurst Police Assist in Recovery of Abandoned Electronics
The Elmhurst Police Department has received several complaints from customers of Repair Geekz located at 927 S. York Street, Elmhurst, IL. Customers reported being unable to retrieve their items which were put in the care of the business to be repaired. Elmhurst Police determined that the business owner stopped communicating with […]
Local area man gets COVID booster on 100th birthday
A Villa Park man got a booster shot and a birthday party at the Edward-Elmhurst Health (EEH) Center in Downers Grove on Wednesday, Aug. 25. John Mellon, 99 years old, received a third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to help increase his immunity against COVID-19, following his first […]
Local Addison author recognized by STBF; Illinois librarians find what traditional publishers miss
Addison resident Dennis Avelar, a talented yet not well-known writer, just moved closer to well-earned recognition and fame, and Illinois readers have just been introduced to his three great new novel. And it’s because of the growing partnership between writers and librarians. Avelar, a patron of the Addison Public Library, […]
Elmhurst U. alumna to give $500,000 to jazz studies program; Gift to build on legacy of Doug Beach, who retired from jazz helm in May
Elmhurst University alumna and longtime donor Maureen Lamberty Heakin will make a gift of $500,000 to establish an international visiting artists series for the University’s acclaimed jazz studies program. A 1972 Elmhurst graduate, Heakin made the gift commitment to honor and build on the work of Doug Beach, former director […]
EWAN’s ‘Cue for a Cause returns Sunday
The Elmhurst Walk-In Assistance Network’s ‘Cue for a Cause is back! After a pandemic hiatus, the Elmhurst community will gather once again for some end-of-summer fun. The ‘Cue will take place on Sunday, Sept. 5 from 12 noon-7 p.m. at the city lot at York and Vallette, behind the Knights […]
COVID-19? Delta Variant? Mandates?; No problem for Knights of Columbus!
Like all organizations, Covid-19 impacted the Fr. McDonald Council #1911’s ability to raise funds for those less fortunate in our community. In spite of the recent challenges, Council #1911 has still been able to make meaningful contributions to our community despite the unprecedented challenge of a worldwide pandemic. During the […]
ECAF honors Tony Gambino as ‘Friend of the Children’; Sold-out golf outing deemed success
By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent It may have been a hot, sticky day, but that didn’t stop a full house of golfers to come out and enjoy the Elmhurst Children’s Assistance Foundation’s 25th annual Golf Classic and Awards Dinner held on Friday, Aug. 20 at Fox Run Golf […]
Woman stands accused of aggravated DUI in fatal crash in Elmhurst; Berlin praises work of Chief Ruth, Police Dept.
On Tuesday, Aug. 24, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert B. Berlin and Elmhurst Chief of Police Michael Ruth announced that bond had been set for a Cicero woman accused of crashing her car in a construction zone in a residential area causing the death of her fiancé, 33-year-old Andrew Lewis. […]
School District 205 discusses back-to-school masking; Construction updates show York track almost done but over budget
By Chris Fox For The Elmhurst Independent The Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board held a regular meeting on Aug. 24 at the District 205 Center, 162 S. York St. Board members Christopher Kocinski and Karen Stuefen were absent from the meeting. Awards presented, students recognized The board presented […]