Other News

Police Reports

Elmhurst Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. Juveniles age 17-or-younger are not named. Child endangerment April 24 A witness told police […]


Savvy Sister consignment event opens May 18

By Marisa Mancini For the Elmhurst Independent They may look like sisters — and sometimes act like sisters — but Sarah Link and Leslie Schlesinger, owners of Savvy Sister, a clothing consignment company, are not related. The pair first met when Leslie moved to Elmhurst two years ago. “Between the […]


School Board Capsules…

Here’s what going on at District 205 Schools… By Chris Fox For The Elmhurst Independent The Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board held a meeting on April 25 at the District 205 Center. The meeting began with the recognition of outgoing board member Emily Bastedo and the introduction of […]


Elmhurst Extended Care plan rejected by second City entity

Owner attorney says denial would be discrimination By Dan McLeister
For The Elmhurst Independent The Federal Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) prohibitions clearly extend to discriminatory zoning practices, according to Scott Day, attorney for Elmhurst Extended Care (EEC). Day spoke at an April 24th meeting of the Development, Planning and Zoning (DPZ) […]


Bond set at $150,000 for employee accused of using patient’s phone allegedly sent sensitive images to his own cellular device

  DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert B. Berlin and Winfield Chief of Police David Schar announced last week that bond had been set for a former Central DuPage Hospital employee accused of taking a patient’s cellular phone and illegally sending sensitive, personal photographs from her cellular phone to his cellular […]


DuPage County Stormwater Management operating flood control facilities Monday morning

DuPage County Stormwater Management is currently operating all of its major flood control facilities, as well as several smaller, gravity-operated flood control facilities, following rainfall over the weekend. Beginning Saturday afternoon, DuPage County received 2.5 to 3.5 inches of rainfall countywide with an additional ¼ of an inch forecasted through […]