Other News


Community turns out for dancing under the stars

MARISA MANCINI PHOTO Elmhurst Independent Matt, Kassondra and baby Amalia Schref enjoy music on the seventh floor which is appropriately named after Elmhurst College. On Saturday, June 3, the Elmhurst College Jazz Band performed for a substantial crowd on the top floor of the Addison Parking Deck at 135 No. […]

Police Reports

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Kicked out of house, subject exposes buttocks, charges allege On May 31, disorderly conduct was charged after police said Michelle M. Dzierwa, 36, of Elmhurst, showed up at the victim’s home in the 800 block of Spring Road at around 10:58 a.m. According to police, the victim told Dzierwa to […]


Pickleball comes to Elmhurst

New sport combines tennis, badminton, ping pong, says ‘Ambassador’ By Marisa Mancini For The Elmhurst Independent While pickleball is gaining popularity in Elmhurst, many people still know little or nothing about it. Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, and is suitable for […]