HELEN CATANZARO Helen Catanzaro, née Kub, age 95, a resident of Carol Stream, died November 22, 2018, at Johnson Health Care Center in Carol Stream, with her family nearby. She was born February 28, 1923 in Beroun, Minnesota. She was born on a family farm in Beroun. After high school […]
Other News
12/6/18 Print Versions
Lombardian classifieds—December 6
Special Kids Day coming Wed. Dec. 5
Annual event offers visit with Santa for special needs kids and their families On Wednesday, Dec. 5 from 3:30-8 p.m., the annual Special Kids Day holiday party will take place at Wilder Mansion, 211 Prospect St. in Elmhurst. Children of all ages with special needs along with their siblings and […]
‘Y’ Christmas trees now on sale
STEVE SPODEN PHOTO Tri-Town YMCA’s Annual Christmas Tree Sale fundraiser is now open for business at the Lombard Dairy Queen parking lot, 205 S. Main St. Lot hours are Wednesday-Friday, from 4 to 8 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Scotch Pines and Douglas and Fraser Firs, […]
Lombardian classifieds—November 29
Lombard/Villa Park obituaries—November 29
PATRICK LLOYD FULLER Patrick Lloyd Fuller, formerly of Lombard, died Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the age of 69 years. Funeral services were held Monday, Nov. 26, at the Mowery Funeral Service Chapel in Owasso with Pastor Leonard Pirtle officiating. A private family disposition will be held […]
11/29/18 Print Versions
Community Calendar
Pick of the Week The event NOT to be missed! Saturday, Dec. 1 Sunday, Dec. 2 Spirito! Singers presents winter concert Spirito! Singers will hold its Winter Concert, “What Sweeter Music,” at Elmhurst Christian Re-formed Church, 149 W. Brush Hill Rd. It takes place on Saturday at 4 p.m. […]
WWII veteran’s daughter to receive long-lost medal
By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent Chalk it up to “it’s a small world,” or “the Good Lord works in mysterious ways,” or whatever makes serendipitous encounters occur, but it’s always nice when good things happen right in your own backyard – it’s even more meaningful when it […]