Other News

Elmhurst News

A respectful farewell

On Sunday, May 5, the American Legion Post THB #187 held a flag-burning ceremony to retired flags that have become tattered and torn or have otherwise outlived their service. It is known as a respectful way to dispose of old flags rather than toss them in the garbage. If you […]

Elmhurst News

City to consider ‘Homes for Changing Region’ program; Helps design housing plans for multiple generations of residents

By Dee Longfellow FOR THE ELMHURST INDEPENDENT     At the most recent City Council, a request from City manager Jim Grabowski was approved to move forward with participation in “2024 Homes for a Changing Region,” a program offered by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus (MMC). The endeavor helps municipalities with housing […]

Elmhurst News Police Reports

Elmhurst Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]

Addison News

Man detained following charges of child porn possession; Addison library employee faces seven counts; library announces his departure

By Dee Longfellow FOR THE ADDISON INDEPENDENT Last week, an Addison man was arrested for allegedly being in possession of child pornography. Steve Krage, 32, was taken into custody on Wednesday, April 24 and is facing seven felony counts, according to a report published in the Daily Herald. Krage is […]