Store employee seen snorting substance On Feb. 20, police responded to a business in the 900 block of S. York for a drug complaint. According to police, a reporting officer met with a customer who stated she witnessed an employee allegedly snorting a substance off the counter. Police said officers […]
Other News
Police Reports
The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]
Council votes down stoplight at York & Diversey
Despite neighbors’ efforts, aldermen reject measure 13-1 By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent Former Mayor and current County Board member Pete DiCianni was the first to speak during public forum at the Elmhurst City Council meeting on Monday, March 2. On the agenda later in the meeting was a […]
School Board Capsules
Here’s what’s going on at District 205 By Chris Fox For The Elmhurst Independent The Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board held a regular meeting on Feb. 25 at the District 205 Center, 162 S. York St. Board member Christopher Kocinski was absent from the meeting. Farewell as Smith […]
Taking the plunge
CHRIS FOX PHOTO Several members of the Villa Park Police Department joined other area law enforcement officers to participate in the 2020 Polar Plunge at the Oak Brook Bath and Tennis Club on Saturday, Feb. 29. The officers took a brief plunge into the frigid waters of an outdoor pond […]
Proud owners of a Sheldon Peck original
JANE CHARMELO PHOTO The Lombard Historical Society unveiled its very own original Sheldon Peck portrait—the society’s first—on Feb 27. “Portrait of a Woman” (identity unknown) was acquired from Randy Merta of R Merta Americana in Massachusetts, who won it in a bid from Christie’s Auctions & Private Sales. Historical society […]
Lombard/Villa Park obituaries—March 5
ROSEMARY A. DENARDO Rosemary A. DeNardo, nee Tunis, age 91, of Lombard, passed away Feb. 24, 2020. Funeral services were held Monday, March 2, from Brust Funeral Home, 135 S. Main St., Lombard, to Mass at Christ the King Church, 1501 Main St., Lombard. Interment private at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. […]
3/5/20 Print Versions
Discover Dance recital at Willowbrook
CHRIS FOX PHOTOS The Villa Park Parks and Recreation Department’s Discover Dance program held its annual recital in Willowbrook High School’s auditorium on Feb. 22. “You Can’t Stop the Beat!” was the title of this year’s recital, which featured dancers between the ages of 3 and 16. There are nearly […]
Giagnorio gives State of the Village report
CHRIS FOX PHOTO Lombard Village President Keith Giagnorio gave the annual State of the Village update during the Lombard Chamber of Commerce’s Feb. 19 luncheon at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glen Ellyn. “The state of the village is strong,” proclaimed Giagnorio. In his remarks, the village president mentioned the […]