Other News
York Water Polo teams raise funds for Northern Illinois Food Bank
Join York Water Polo teams in a joint effort to give back to the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Teams are raising money through t-shirt sales. Recognizing that sportsmanship goes beyond the pools, tracks, fields and stadiums, the teams are coming together in this difficult time. This is time sensitive as […]
Food for students
CHRIS FOX PHOTO District 88 has joined School District 45, Salt Creek School District 48 and Addison School District 4 to provide meals to students while school buildings are closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Volunteers have distributed thousands of meals—free of charge—to all residents up to the age of […]
Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry ready to serve during COVID-19 pandemic
MIKE SANDROLINI PHOTO Clockwise from left, Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry volunteers Karen Francis (Villa Park), Kevin Lattner (Villa Park) and Dave Ivey (Lombard) stand ready to load boxes of food outside of the pantry, located at First United Methodist Church of Lombard, 155 S. Main St. The pantry is open […]
Lombard/Villa Park obituaries—April 2
PATRICIA MATZEK Patricia Matzek, nee Hill, of Lombard, passed away March 29, 2020, at Elmhurst Hospital. Family Service pending at Brust Funeral Home, 135 S. Main St., Lombard. Interment Mt. Emblem Cemetery. Visit www.brustfuneralhome.com or call 888-629-0094 for information. JANETTE MARILYN ROATH Janette Marilyn Roath, nee Eckman, born Nov. 11, […]
Community Calendar
The Independent urges readers to: Stay home, stay well and keep your family safe! For the latest updates on cancelled events, restaurants offering curbside delivery, and other notices concerning the Coronairus, please visit: theindependentnewspapers.com.
Rogers, Park District calls for respect of park rules during crisis; Residents invited to walk, jog, bike, but don’t gather in large groups
By Dee Longfellow For The Elmhurst Independent On Wednesday, March 25, the Elmhurst Park District posted a reminder that its playgrounds are currently closed due to the order of Governor Pritzker, reminding residents that while it’s okay to be in parks to walk, bike or jog, it is not acceptable […]
The latest updates from the City of Elmhurst
Next Council meeting to be held electronically A City Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 6 at 7:30 p.m. Elected officials have been encouraged to participate electronically. Residents are also urged to watch the meeting online on ElmhurstTV YouTube Live, Comcast Channel 6 or AT&T U-verse Channel 99. […]
Inez Sather, 102
Inez Sather died on March 22, 2020, having reached the not always envious age of 102. She was born in a remote part of North Dakota called Kintyre, on February 25, 1918, the second youngest of four Norwegian children. When her mother died two years later, her overwhelmed father asked […]
Police Reports
The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]