Other News
Free COVID-19 Testing Available at Churchville Middle School
The Village of Bensenville and the City of Elmhurst are co-hosting a drive through community testing site in the Churchville Middle School parking lot on November 9 and 10, 2020. Free testing will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days. Churchville Middle School is located at […]
Halloween costume parade
CHRIS FOX PHOTO The Villa Park Parks and Recreation Department’s 4-year-old preschoolers held their Halloween costume parade on Friday morning outside of the Iowa Community Center. Several parents watched as the children walked around part of the community center. The preschoolers also sang a brief song under the direction of […]
The voters have their say
MIKE SANDROLINI PHOTO Voters at the polling place at Lombard Village Hall wear masks as they cast their ballots Tuesday morning—in voting booths that were placed to ensure social distancing. There was a steady stream of voters at Village Hall and at other polling places throughout the village on Election […]
Lombard/Villa Park obituaries—November 5
JANICE A. ARNOLD Janice A. Arnold, nee Belt, age 70, of Lombard, died on Oct. 28, 2020. Visitation was held, Monday, Nov. 2, with a short prayer service at Brust Funeral Home, 135 S. Main St. Lombard. Visit www.brustfuneralhome.com or call 888-629-0094 for more information. ROSEMARY H. BAJEK Rosemary H. […]
Donald Andrew Kuhl, 79 Donald Andrew Kuhl, Captain USA (retired), a resident of Addison for 36 years, passed away peacefully on October 15, 2020, at the age of 79. Donald was born in Chicago, on August 3, 1941. Donald leaves behind a long list of achievements with his greatest being […]
Mayor calls on Gov. Pritzker to reconsider strict business closures
The following letter was submitted by the City of Elmhurst. It is the full text of the letter from Mayor Steve Morley to Governor JB Pritzker Dear Governor Pritzker, First and foremost, I would like to extend my appreciation to you and your staff for your hard work as we […]
Garden Club holds Autumn Swag demonstration; Submitted By Susan McCoyd
Elmhurst Garden Club A garden in spring is full of hope, in summer lush with color and fragrance, in fall a garden becomes a cornucopia of plant and foliage materials to be used for dried flower and floral arrangements to decorate a home both inside and out. The art of […]
“Return to School” Remote Learning Day Camp begins; Hybrid school program provided by the Addison Park District
The “Return to School” Remote Learning Day Camp program, formerly known as Before & After School Care, corresponds to School District 4 calendar designed for those enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The program provides your child with a safe, structured environment. The Addison Park District now offers Extended AM […]
ECPA Virtual Gala promises to delight and entertain; ‘Experience Boxes’ still available but selling fast for at-home viewing
The Elmhurst Centre for Performing Arts (ECPA) Spotlight Gala brings a lively evening full of great moments and remarkable, nationally-recognized talent to your home Saturday, Nov. 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. ”Creating a virtual gala has been a huge positive for ECPA,” said Board member Laura Michaud. “As an arts organization, […]