Other News

Elmhurst News Events

Community Calendar

Pick of the week:     Saturday, Aug. 17 Senior Conversation with Mayor Scott Levin Attention seniors! At 10 a.m., there will be Senior Community Conversation held at City Hall, hosted by Mayor Scott Levin. Includes valuable information about Elmhurst ALERTS, transportation updates, and essential safety tips from the Elmhurst Fire […]

Elmhurst News Police Reports

Elmhurst Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court […]

Police Reports

Lombard police report—August 8

INFORMATION TAKEN FROM LOMBARD POLICE FILES The Lombard Police Department recently reported the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the privacy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a conviction, and that subjects are considered innocent […]

Elmhurst News

City Council revises neighborhood sidewalk policy; Property owners’ contribution reduced; City-wide sidewalk plan in works

By Dee Longfellow FOR THE ELMHURST INDEPENDENT     “The benefits of public sidewalks are many. The most important benefit [is] the safety of our citizens. Sidewalks also improve aesthetics, curb appeal and walkability.”     This is a quote from a report by the Public Works and Buildings (PWB) Committee to […]

Elmhurst News Events

Community Calendar

Sunday, Aug. 11 From 2-3 p.m., the Elmhurst History Museum presents “Little Orphan Annie: Politics in the Funny Pages” in the museum’s Education Center. Amidst the backdrop of World War II, comic strip creator and Lombardian Harold Gray utilized his “Little Orphan Annie” comic strips to depict Annie’s unwavering support […]