

Addison Community Calendar

Wednesday, July 26 Amelia Earhart: The 80th anniversary of her mysterious disappearance From 7-8 p.m. at the Addison Public Library, there will be a lively living-history performance sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Learn how Amelia learned to fly, what inspired her adventurous spirit, and why she set off in 1937 […]


Villa Park Community Calendar

Friday, July 21 Brookfield Zoo presents program at the Library Where do primates live and how do they survive in the wild? These questions and more will be answered at Brookfield Zoo Talks: Primates Around the World at the Villa Park Public Library from10:30-11:30 a.m. Children of all ages are […]


Library holds Summer Reading Finale event

The Villa Park Public Library will hold their Summer Reading Finale 2017 on Sat., Aug. 5 from 2 – 4 p.m. Summer reading participants of all ages can say goodbye to summer reading with an afternoon of fun! Activities will include a balloon artist, temporary tattoos, and hands-on science exhibits […]


Block to Block Party – last call

Summer is coming to an end, and so is the Block to Block Party weekly summer concert series presented by the Elmhurst City Centre. Bring family and friends on July 26th from 5:30-8:30 p.m. to rock out and enjoy free live music one last time at the City Centre Plaza and the […]


Elmhurst Choral Union invites auditions

Love to sing? Singers interested in singing with a full orchestra and challenging their vocal skills are invited to audition for Elmhurst Choral Union. ECU’s season includes music by Copland, Rutter, Randall Thompson, Howard Hanson, and arrangements by choral legend Robert Shaw. Membership is open to singers with previous choral […]