Thursday, Aug. 23 From 6:30-8 p.m., the Elmhurst Art Museum will host a Zine Launch Party, presented by the Teen Art Council. Come out to celebrate the launch of the Teen Art Council’s inaugural project, ArchiTeenZine, a visual response to architecture created and designed by our teen group. Monday, […]
Lombard/Villa Park coming events–August 16
Fitness classes in Villa Park Villa Park Parks and Recreation offers a variety of drop-in fitness classes both mornings and evenings at the Iowa Community Center, 338 N. Iowa. There’s no need to pre-register for classes: just purchase an Easy Pass punch card and make your own fitness schedule. Passes […]
Lombard/Villa Park coming events–August 9
Movie in the Park with York Center Grab your lawn chairs, blankets and gather the kids for a movie night in the park with Disney Pixar’s “Coco.” Ages: all welcome. Date: Saturday, Aug. 18. Time: 8:30 p.m. Admission is free (food is available for purchase). Location: Knolls Park 1502 S. […]
Cantigny Park to celebrate France Aug. 11-12. ‘French Picnic Under the Stars’ precedes ‘Annual French Connection Day’
Cantigny will celebrate French culture—and the park’s special connection with France—at upcoming back-to-back events: French Picnic Under the Stars Saturday, Aug. 11 from 6 to 11 p.m. Guests will have Cantigny Park all to themselves for an evening of food, wine, live music and stargazing. An illuminated 23-foot Eiffel Tower […]
Community Calendar
Pick of the Week – The event NOT to be missed… Thursday-Sunday, Aug. 2-5 AAUW’s annual Used Book Sale The AAUW will hold its annual Used Book Sale at Lincoln Elementary School. The hours are: • Thursday, 6-9 p.m. — Preview Sale – $10 Admission Fee; • Friday, 9 a.m. […]
Park Board Capsules… Here’s what’s happening at the Elmhurst Park District
By Chris Fox FOR THE ELMHURST INDEPENDENT The Elmhurst Park District Board held a regular meeting on July 23 at the district’s administrative office at 375 W. First Street. Commissioner Mary Kies was absent from the meeting. There were no public comments. Crestview Park fencing project approved for $24,000 The […]
Lombard/Villa Park coming events–August 2
Movies in the Park The Villa Park Public Library and the Villa Park Parks and Recreation Department present Movies in the Park on Mondays, Aug. 6 and Aug. 13 at 8 p.m. All are invited to bring a lawn chair and a picnic basket to enjoy a movie outdoors on […]
Lombard and Villa Park Coming Events
McCormick Day today at Cantigny Cantigny Park will commemorate the birthday of its benefactor, Col. Robert R. McCormick, today, July 26, from noon to 5 p.m. McCormick Day is Cantigny’s annual gift to the community—parking, activities and birthday cupcakes (while supplies last) are complimentary. McCormick Day events are planned for […]
Yesfest returns to Elmhurst area; Three days of music, comedy, art, poetry, storytelling coming July 27-29
Six years ago, a group of self-described “stir-crazy” performers wished they had a festival in Elmhurst where they could perform all the things they loved: original music, comedy, improv, and poetry. “Yesfest is all about creating more spaces for people to do what they love to do,” said Clark Pavlik, […]
Elmhurst Community Calendar
Community Calendar Pick of the Week – The event NOT to be missed… Friday July 27 — Superior Ambulance presents the Elmhurst Cycling Classic The Sixth Annual Elmhurst Cycling Classic takes place throughout the Elmhurst College and Wilder Park neighborhoods. Don’t miss the opportunity to ride in the Community Ride […]