Elmhurst News

Elmhurst News News

“Return to School” Remote Learning Day Camp begins; Hybrid school program provided by the Addison Park District

The “Return to School” Remote Learning Day Camp program, formerly known as Before & After School Care, corresponds to School District 4 calendar designed for those enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The program provides your child with a safe, structured environment. The Addison Park District now offers Extended AM […]

Elmhurst News News

ECPA Virtual Gala promises to delight and entertain; ‘Experience Boxes’ still available but selling fast for at-home viewing

The Elmhurst Centre for Performing Arts (ECPA) Spotlight Gala brings a lively evening full of great moments and remarkable, nationally-recognized talent to your home Saturday, Nov. 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. ”Creating a virtual gala has been a huge positive for ECPA,” said Board member Laura Michaud. “As an arts organization, […]

Elmhurst News News

Moyer presentation to Board covers COVID-19 related issues; Possible return to in-person learning as early as Nov.; basketball moves ahead

By Chris Fox For The Elmhurst Independent At the regular meeting of the Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board held on Oct. 27, District 205 Superintendent David Moyer delivered a presentation related to COVID-19 and the district’s recent move to fully remote instruction. Moyer said that the district adheres […]

Elmhurst News Obituaries

Gene Marie Hogan, 71

Gene Marie Hogan, age 71, of Mount Horeb, Wisc., passed away on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at her home surrounded by her family. She was born on May 1, 1949, in Waterbury, Conn., the daughter of Eugene and Loretta (Flanigan) Hogan. Gene Marie graduated from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College with a […]

Elmhurst News Obituaries

William “Bill” Neuvirth, 92

William “Bill” Neuvirth, of Elmhurst formerly of Chicago and Simi Valley, Calif., died October 26, 2020, at the age of 92. Bill was an accomplished Hand Engraver who designed several awards for the entertainment industry. He was also a very talented artist who would spend his time reproducing famous works […]

Elmhurst News Events

Community Calendar

The Calendar is back! The Elmhurst Independent has brought back the Community Calendar to keep its readers up with what is going on around town. Upcoming events will be published, even if they are virtual and only available online. Please remember to be safe when attending live events by wearing […]