Villa Park resident Mary Reedy O’Connor has been named the Woman of the Year by the St. Alexander Council of Catholic Women. She and Joyce Splan, president of the St. Alexander CCW will be honored at a Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Joseph M. Siegel, Auxiliary Bishop of Joliet at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet on Saturday, April 29, along with the Women of the Year and Parish CCW Presidents throughout the Diocese of Joliet. The theme of the Mass along with the luncheon is “Kindness Begins with Me”.
Mary has lived in Villa Park her entire life, marrying her husband, Kevin, and raising 4 children (and now 9 grandchildren). She works as a Realtor in the family’s business started by her grandfather, Jack Reedy in 1928.
Her involvement with many aspects of St. Alexander parish are almost too numerous to mention (Mary says she “likes to be busy!), but all will be included when she is honored by the parish at the spring luncheon at Allegra Banquet on Saturday, April 22, and again the next day, Sunday April 23, at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Her large family and many friends will have ample opportunity to congratulate her at that time.