On Saturday, July 30, the Elmhurst Public Library hosted an outdoor party with crafts, games, and other activities outdoors on the south lawn of the library to celebrate the Summer Reading Program. There was a popcorn wagon, a bouncy house, an arts and crafts table and lots of lawn-sized games to be played outdoors.
All summer long, participants logged their reading and picked up prizes at the library or off-site at local schools. The children’s Summer Reading theme, “Reading Is So Delicious,” inspired a whimsical transformation of the Kids’ Library, including food-related décor such as giant pieces of candy suspended from the ceiling and faux farmstands like “Peter’s Pickled Veggies.”
Other events attended by kids over the summer included Lettuce Make Snacks Together, Candy Science, and Sew a Breakfast Plushie, as well as a Community Food Drive, done in collaboration with the Elmhurst History Museum, to support the Elmhurst-Yorkfield Food Pantry.