Elmhurst Police Reports

The Elmhurst Police De-partment recently report-ed the following arrests and citations. Persons charged with domestic battery are not named in order to protect the priva-cy of victims. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute a con-viction, and that subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. Juveniles age 17-or-younger are not named.

Criminal trespass

July 23
Police said officers re-sponded to an auto dealer-ship in the 700 block of W. Grand for the report of a disturbance. Upon an officer’s arrival, the com-plainant told police a sus-pect was upset and began throwing things around the show room. The sus-pect was issued a no tres-pass notice and left the dealership.
A complainant at a busi-ness in the 600 block of N. Larch related that a suspect was previously served a no trespass notice from the business and was recently observed on vid-eo surveillance violating the notice. A reporting officer attempted to con-tacted the suspect with no results. An arrest warrant was obtained.

Domestic battery, domestic incident, disorderly conduct, disturbance, dispute

July 24
Leticia Da Silva, 29, of Elmhurst, was issued a citation for disorderly conduct in the 500 block of W. Crockett at 6:07 p.m. Police said subse-quent to a report of shots fired, a reporting officer arrived at the above loca-tion and located spent cas-ing in the backyard. The suspect was found to have fired blank rounds from a blank gun.

July 20
A 41-year-old Elmhurst man was charged with two counts of domestic battery in the 400 block of N. Ida at 1;53 p.m. Police said the suspect battered a victim while she was try-ing to enter the vehicle.

July 19
An Elmhurst man (age not given) was charged with domestic battery and ag-gravated assault—use of a deadly weapon in the 300 block of S. West at 8:50 p.m.

July 18
Phillip Breckler, 37, of Elmhurst, was issued a citation for befouling property and was tres-passed from a business in the 200 block of S. Route 83 at 7:12 p.m. Police said a complainant related that the suspect has been uri-nating in front of the business on several occa-sions.

DUI, DUI-drugs, transportation of open alcohol, possession of open alcohol, consumption of alcohol by a minor

July 20
Danielys Cambero Cam-bero, 33, of Chicago, was charged with DUI, im-proper lighting and failure to signal subsequent to a traffic stop near Third and York at 1:32 a.m.
Sandra Woelke, 53, of Roselle, was charged with DUI, disobeying a stop sign, failure to signal and no insurance subsequent to a traffic stop near Crestview and Van Auken at 7:55 p.m.

July 19
Gerardo Moreno-Zuniga, 37, of Niles, was charged with aggravated DUI, driving while license sus-pended/revoked, driving the wrong way on a one-way street and no insur-ance subsequent to a traffic stop in the 100 block of N. York at 7:45 a.m.

July 18
Emely Lujan, 20, of Mel-rose Park, was charged with DUI, consumption of alcohol by a minor, squealing of tires, stop-ping in the roadway, no seat belt, no insurance and failure to carry a license or permit, while Liliana M. Bell, 19, of Bensenville, was issued citations for possession of open alcohol by a passenger and unlaw-ful possession of cannabis by a passenger subsequent to a traffic stop near Lake and Church at 2:01 a.m.

Fleeing, eluding
According to information provided last week by the Elmhurst Police Depart-ment, police reported four incidents of fleeing and eluding during which the driver of a vehicle fled the scene after being stopped for a traffic stop by police.

Harassment, threats

July 22
A complainant in the 400 block of Ida reported he received a threatening phone call from a suspect. The reporting officer made contact with the suspect who was advised to cease contact with the victim.

June 21-July 1
A victim in the 100 block of Van Buren reported that they have been re-ceiving several harassing text messages from an unknown number. This case is pending investiga-tion.

Identity theft, fraud
According to information provided by the Elmhurst Police Department, police reported three incidents of identity theft or fraud.

Possession of cannabis in a vehicle
According to information provided last week by the Elmhurst Police Depart-ment, police reported one incident of possession of cannabis by either the driver of a vehicle or a passenger: Kevontae Beal, 30, of Chicago, near Route 83 and the Prairie Path at 6:02 p.m. July 20.

Possession of drug paraphernalia

July 20
Kiersten Granberry, 19 of Villa Park, was charged with unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and driving while license sus-pended in the 100 block of S. Prospect at 9:47 p.m.

Suspicious incident

July 22
A complainant in the 900 block of S. Mitchell told police that while doing plumbing work at a resi-dence, an unknown sus-pect entered his unlocked work vehicle. A neighbor confronted the suspect, who got into the rear pas-senger seat of a vehicle and fled the scene. Noth-ing appears to have been taken.

July 20
A victim near Route 83 and North reported that an unknown suspect on a motorcycle attempted to remove the license plate from the victim’s vehicle in Bensenville. When the victim followed the sus-pect on the motorcycle, the suspect pointed a fire-arm at the victim and then fled south on Route 83. This case is pending in-vestigation.

Theft, retail theft, burglary, attempted theft or burglary, forgery, deceptive practice, obstruction, robbery

July 24
Guillermo Jose Herrera-Crespo, 28 (homeless), was charged with retail theft, burglary, unlawful possession of cannabis by driver and contributing the criminal delinquency of a minor. Maikel Antero Suarez-Trejo, 22 (home-less), and Yanfer Fernan-doColmerares-Ramirez, 20, of Chicago, were charged with retail theft and burglary at a store in the 300 block of S. Route 83 at 6:07 p.m.
Police said officers re-sponded to the 200 block of N. Addison for the re-port of a burglary to a mo-tor vehicle, where the witness saw two suspects wearing black hoodies and ski masks flee the area. The victim’s car window was found to be broken into as well as damage to the interior of the car.

July 23-July 24
A complainant in the 900 block of S. Riverside re-lated that an unknown suspect(s) entered her unlocked vehicle and re-moved three pairs of sun-glasses and a black BB gun from the center console.

July 22
Police said that subsequent to a call for a retail theft in progress at a pharmacy in the 100 block of W. North, a traffic stop was conducted on the suspect’s vehicle. The driver and the passenger were ar-rested. Upon searching the suspect’s vehicle, po-lice said an officer discov-ered a straw which tested positive for a controlled substance. According to police, it was learned that Alex Navarro Lopez, 42, of Melrose Park, had committed an additional retail theft from Walgreens where he stole three packs of Pokémon cards. Klaiton J. Martins, 45, of Westchester, was charged with transporta-tion of open alcohol, im-proper display of registra-tion and retail theft. Na-varro Lopez was charged with retail theft. Both suspects were issued no trespass notices for CVS and Walgreens.
Police said officer re-sponded to a store in the 900 block of S. York for the report of found prop-erty. A complainant relat-ed he observed one of the suspects struggling to car-ry several bags containing liquor and deodorant. When confronted by the complainant, the suspect discarded the bags and fled the area. It was learned the liquor had been stolen from Jewel/Osco, as the theft was captured on sur-veillance video. The sto-len merchandise was re-turned to the victim.

July 19
A complainant at a store in the 900 block of S. York reported at 9 p.m. that a suspect took a bag of liquor bottles and exited the store without paying. This case is pending investiga-tion.

July 18
A complainant at a phar-macy in the 100 block of N. Palmer told police that a suspect described as a white male took four cases of beer and left the store without paying for the merchandise. An investi-gation is pending.

July 17-July 18
A victim in the 300 block of N. Maple told police that an unknown suspect shattered the passenger window of his vehicle. Nothing appears to have been taken from the vehi-cle. Damage to the win-dow is estimated at $300.

June 14
A victim in the 300 block of S. Kenilworth told po-lice that he ordered a Samsung Microwave Trim Kit valued at $210 and did not receive it.

Unlawful use of a weapon

July 20
Antwaion Edwards, 27, of Addison, was charged with armed habitual crim-inal, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, two counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, DUI, driving while li-cense suspended, obstruct-ing a police officer, un-lawful possession of can-nabis by the driver, illegal transportation of open alcohol, illegally stop-ping/standing in the roadway and no insurance, while Cynthia Bolanos-Ayala, a passenger in the vehicle, was charged with unlawful possession of cannabis by a passenger and possession of open alcohol by a passenger near North and Berteau at 5:39 a.m.

Warrant arrest

July 24
Police said Gabriel A. Quijada-Linares, 25, of Chicago, was found to have a valid warrant out of McHenry County near North and Route 83 at 2:22 a.m.

July 19
Police said Alejandro Pe-rez Mora, 27, of Bensen-ville, was found to have an active warrant out of the DuPage County Sher-iff’s Office subsequent to a traffic stop near Route 83 and St. Charles at 8:29 p.m. The suspect also was charged with suspended registration and no insur-ance.