Council Capsules Here’s what’s going on at Elmhurst City Hall

By Dee Longfellow

Here are some of the actions that took place during the Elmhurst City Council meeting of Monday, June 3:

• At the beginning, Mayor Scott Levin gave the oath of office to promote two firefighters. The first was Jace Weaver, who has been with the Elmhurst Fire Department since 2017. He was promoted to Fire Lieutenant. The second firefighter to garner a promotion was Michael Heusing, who took the oath to become Battalion Chief of the Elmhurst Fire Dept.  Heusing came to Elmhurst in 2000, was promoted to lieutenant in 2017 and has been in the training unit since 2013.

• Mayor Scott Levin did a special presentation of the Elmhurst Commission on Youth, especially to honor the Commission’s Youth Advisory Committee. Still in its first year, the seven members of the Youth Committee will be taking on a bigger role in the upcoming year, the mayor said.

• During Public Forum, several people spoke up to urge the City to take a stand and call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The group is urging all surrounding communities to do the same. One speaker was a professor at Elmhurst University.

• Dannee Polomsky was appointed to the Elmhurst Public Arts Commission. Polomsky is a former alderman, who represented the 3rd Ward.

• Jackelyn Lopez-Barrera and Eric Pulia were appointed to the Elmhurst Veterans Commission.

• Trent Grossman was appointed to the City’s Commission on Youth.

• Jennifer Vince has been reappointed to the Elmhurst Senior Commission.

• Conditional use permits were approved for an outdoor theatre and Planned Unit Development (PUD) with site development allowances.

• There was a report by the Public Affairs & Safety (PAS) Committee about the installation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons or RRFBs, which are a traffic control device at pedestrian crosswalks that use flashing yellow lights to warn motorists of pedestrians or a crosswalk.

• Another report of the PAS Committee about the evaluation for the intersection at Van Auken St. and Armitage Ave. (See related story elsewhere in this issue.)