Downtown Plan updates coming soon

According to its weekly newsletter, the City has announced the kick-off of the Elmhurst Downtown Plan. The Plan will serve as the City’s official guide for downtown growth and development. Informed by existing conditions, community consensus, community vision and future potentials, the plan will serve as a road map to the future for the core of the City.

    The new plan will guide downtown policy decisions and help the community achieve its long-term objectives – a downtown that is a destination for residents and visitors, boasts high appearance standards and improvements, and is known for business retention and recruitment.

    The Downtown Plan will address land use and development, redevelopment opportunities and catalyst sites, transportation, parking, pedestrian mobility, streetscape, and placemaking and public realm improvements.

    When completed, the Elmhurst Downtown Plan will be the product of the community, with a vision and recommendations guided by valuable input received from residents, business owners, community leaders, and other stakeholders. Over the next year, residents should stay active and aware of the project as it progresses by tracking it through the project website, which will be available through

    The City and project team look forward to collaborating with the community in crafting a plan for Elmhurst.