By Dee Longfellow
At the Elmhurst City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 7, a brief discussion was held about the updates recently proposed to the City’s Purchasing Policy.
Finance Chair Alderman Noel Talluto (4th Ward) began by thanking the City staff for their hard work on the policy.
“I believe this brings everything together,” Talluto said. “It brings the best practices, best improvements.”
One of the changes is an increase to various employee levels for approval for their purchasing limits. As an example, City Manager Jim Grabowski had a limit of spending up to $25,000 without City Council approval. Under the new policy, that limit has been raised to $50,000.
“Other communities of our size have a similar policy, which is one reason the decision was made,” Talluto said.
She went on to say the new policy would enhance the City’s sustainability policy.
“The newer policy encourages sustainability in our purchasing practices, as long as they are cost-efficient,” she said.
Alderman Rex Irby (7th Ward) echoed Talluto, further underscoring the need for sustainability practices.
“We’ve incorporated sustainability [into the policy],” he said. “There is now a dedicated section in our purchasing policy for sustainability. Those efforts are now linked together. There is new verbiage that keeps it consistent over the life of the purchase, considering an estimate on repairs and upkeep.”
Irby praised the City staff for their work on skillfully drafting the new policy.
“I am for the new purchasing policy,” he said. “It is strengthened with greater clarity, a better system of checks and balances and the higher dollar threshold, coupled with our ability to have more autonomy and accountability.”
The vote to accept the new purchasing policy passed 13-0 (1 absent).
Mayor’s report
During the announcements by the mayor, Mayor Scott Levin said he had just attended Public Safety Night Out.
“It was a great evening,” he said. “Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton was there. She had recently helped us with a grant for a new fire truck.”
Mayor Levin urged people to nominate outstanding senior volunteers for the Outstanding Senior Citizen awards, which will be presented at a celebration on Thursday, Nov. 9.
He also talked about attending a pep rally for the EYB 12U Little League team which won the LL State Championship to go on to the regional competition in Indiana.
“I understand they won their first game at Regionals by 13-1,” Levin said. “To tell you the truth, I think they were happier about beating Hinsdale [for the state championship]!”
Other Council approvals
• Jane Chornij and Taylor Holop were reappointed to the Library Board. Cindy Burke was appointed to her first term on the Library Board.
• There was a request referred to the Public Works and Building Committee to consider adding funds to the Capital Budget for the engineering of three sidewalk segments including the construction of sidewalks on Crestview, Indiana and Van Auken streets.
• A professional services agreement with Metropolitan Family Services not to exceed $67,000 to fund senior citizens assistance programs was approved.
• An ordinance granting conditional use for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for construction of a health sciences facility upon property at Elmhurst University.
• A conditional use permit and associated variation was granted for the property at 977 So. Rte. 83 and 968 So Riverside Dr.
• The purchase was approved for one Kubota excavator and to authorize the disposal of a 2006 loader backhoe and a wheel loader. The purchase amount is $135,000.
• A similar purchase was approved for a Towmaster trailer in the amount of $135,000.
• The purchase of a Vac-Con Titan combination truck was approved as well as authorizing the disposal of a 2009 VacTruck/Hydro-Excavation Truck, a Jetter Truck and a Jetter Trailer. The new equipment is expected to cost $638,614 less the trade-in allowance of $130,000 for a total of $508,614.
• Authorization was received for the purchase of a Trackless MT Tractor and the disposal of a 2003 model. The total purchase amount will be $158,000.
• The purchase of replacement cutter stacks for grinders at four sanitary lift stations was approved $31,340.
• The purchase of fire hydrant materials in the amount of $87,057 was approved.
• A change order for the McKinley Stormwater Pump Station Rehabilitation Project was approved in the amount of $150,880.
• A resolution authorizing a contract for streetlight controller upgrades in the amount of $145,500 was approved.
• Three towing service companies for the Elmhurst Fire Department were approved. The companies include West & Sons Towing, Inc. of Addison, O’Hare Towing of Melrose Park/Downers Grove, and Powers Towing of Hillside.
• Council approved the City’s professional services agreement with Kenig, Lindgren, O’Hara, Aboona, Inc. (KLOA) for a neighborhood traffic study in the amount of $50,000.