Elmhurst, Poplar and Crescent, Water Main Repair Update – 7/5/23, 8:30 p.m.

Public Works crews have successfully isolated the leak and restored pressure to the system and will be completing repairs tonight during the overnight hours. The break occurred due to work by Nicor on Wednesday afternoon. A precautionary boil order is in place for all City water customers within the borders of Park Ave (south of the UP railroad tracks) to York Street to the Butterfield Road to I-294. (See map attached)

Only residents living in that geographic boundary need to follow the boil order. Crews will also be taking numerous water samples throughout the affected area. The precautionary boil order is required to remain in place for at least 48 hours due to lab testing procedures. The precautionary boil order will be in place until the lab confirms the water is safe. As soon as the City receives new information, we will share it with the community. Thank you for your patience.

Please reference the following page on Elmhurst.org for information on the precautionary boil order. Once the boil order is lifted, we will be updating the community on Elmhurst.org.
