By Dee Longfellow
For The Addison Independent

Numerous elected officials and community leaders came out to help the Addison VFW Post 7446 celebrate its 75th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 18. Pictured are (from left): Director of Police Bill Hayden, Addison Mayor Richard Veenstra and his wife Mary, (standing) Sandy and former Mayor Larry Hartwig, (seated) Kathleen Finckle and Deputy Mayor Tom Hundley (Finckle is his fiancée). Story and more photos inside this issue.
Harry Truman was President of the United States. A first-class postage stamp was three cents and a gallon of gas was 21 cents. Notorious and Gilda were on the screens of the movie theaters and on the radio, one might hear The Ink Spots performing “The Gypsy,” or Frank Sinatra crooning, “Five Minutes More.” Gals (or “Cookies”) wore shoulder pads and defined waistlines, while gents wore “Zoot Suits,” lace-up oxfords and fedora hats.
The year was 1946 and it was the year the Addison VFW Post 7446 was first established, on May 25, 1946 to be exact. The first-ever Post Commander was Warren Mosley and, some 60 Post Commanders later, Mike Henkelman is currently at the helm.
The evening began with a Call to Order by Henkelman, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Royal Woolfolk and others. Lynda Grossi, VFW Auxiliary Chaplain, delivered the invocation and described the “Missing Man Table,” set at the center of the room – a reminder of those who didn’t make it back home after serving their country..
Past Post Commander Tom Ford introduced officers and special guests in the room before guests were treated to a buffet dinner. After the meal, presentations and recognitions took place including:
• Past National Commander-in-Chief
• Addison Village officials
• State of Illinoi Junior Vice Commander
• District 19 Commander
• Department of Illinoi Auxiliary President
• Department of Illinois Past Auxiliary President
• District 19 President
Ford offered a History of Addison Post 7446 before introducing Jean Morris, who delivered a “Hero’s Story.”
Dinner was provided by the 601 Bar & Grill. The Post wishes to thank the Addison Historical Society for their support. The committee who put the evening’s celebration together included Post Commander Henkelman, Past Post Commander Ford, Past Post Commander Frank Lopez, Vice Commander John Gardner, Jr., Post Trustee Charles Wellington, Auxiliary President Jean Morris, Past Department President Mercie Woolfolk, Auxiliary Jr. Vice President JoAnne Wallich, Past District President Jan Ford, Canteen Manager Becky Weiner and Post Bookkeeper Joy Horak.