Report of alleged gunman puts University on lockdown
About 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, dozens of police squad cars were seen around Elmhurst University, blocking virtually every entrance to the campus, after it was reported that a gunman had allegedly been spotted in or near one of the dormitories. The lockdown was lifted by about 5:30 p.m. News reports indicated authorities searched several buildings in the area, but it remains unclear whether or not a suspect was identified.
On April 28th, at approximately 3:30 p.m., the Elmhurst Police Department responded to Elmhurst University for a call that a man was on campus with a gun. The Elmhurst University Campus was placed on lock-down and systematically checked by responding Elmhurst police officers and Elmhurst University Public Safety staff. No threat was located and the lock-down was lifted at approximately 6:00 PM.
The police investigation subsequently revealed that an Elmhurst University student had met with a male in a University parking lot earlier that day. The student later admitted to investigators that he acquired methamphetamine from the man without paying an agreed upon price and then fled the area on foot. During a follow up interview, the student admitted that he called the Elmhurst University Public Safety Office making a false report that a male had a gun on campus. The student admitted that he never saw anyone with a gun.
On May 10, 2021, the student, Darnel Baalbaki, age 25, of 418 Geneva, Bellwood, IL, was charged with Felony Disorderly Conduct – False Crime Report. Bond was set at $25,000 – 10% applies.