Here is photo from the line-up of last year’s Memorial Day Convoy that took place as an alternative to the annual Parade. This year, the usual parade is cancelled again due to COVID-19, but another convoy is planned as well as a Memorial Day ceremony in Wilder Park on Monday, May 31. The convoy begins at the American Legion at 9:30 a.m. The ceremony is planned for 11.
With the Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade cancelled for a second year in a row due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Restore Illinois Phase 4 restrictions, the City of Elmhurst will re-stage the community-wide Always Remember convoy on Monday, May 31, at 9:30 a.m., followed by an in-person Military Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial in Wilder Park.
Starting and ending at the Veterans Memorial, the 2021 convoy will feature some 30 military, police and fire vehicles traveling the same 16-mile route across Elmhurst as last year, and will air live on Facebook (no sound) from the lead police car. Elmhurst TV will videotape the convoy to air on local access cable television and post to YouTube.
Calkins to serve as Grand Marshal
Kevin Calkins, a former United States Army Specialist 5 who served in the Vietnam War, will serve as the 2021 Grand Marshal. In 2015, Calkins helped raise funds to install a granite base for an unnoticed ground plaque located on the front lawn of the Wilder Mansion in honor of the 14 Elmhurst residents killed in action in Vietnam.
True Patriots Care will stage groupings of American flags at Elmhurst City Hall, Elmhurst Police Station, both Elmhurst Fire Stations, Post 187 and Wilder Park.
In conjunction with the convoy, Elmhurst residents can show their support by decorating parkway trees with ribbon provided by the Elmhurst Fire Department for a donation of $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 or $100 to benefit Elmhurst American Legion THB Post 187. Ribbons ordered online via the ECCI website will be safely home delivered to resident donors by the start of Memorial Day weekend or residents can pick up ribbons at Post 180 via a drive-thru table open weekdays (tentatively) from 12 noon to 1 p.m.
Post 187 will serve lunch for interested parties following the 11 a.m. Military Ceremony.
Now through Thursday, May 27 at 5 p.m., ribbons can be purchased at elmhurstchamber.org Donations of $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 or $100 are welcome.