Dan Gibbons of the Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot Foundation (right) congratulates Mayor-Elect Scott Levin on his victory in the recent Consolidated Election held Tuesday, April 6. Levin received almost 41% of the vote with 3,391 votes to Bram’s 2,798 and Mulliner’s 2,039. He will be sworn in during the first City Council meeting in May. Story and more photos elsewhere in this issue.
By Dee Longfellow
For The Elmhurst Independent
There was much glad-handing at HB Jones on the evening of Tuesday, April 5, where supporters of Scott Levin gathered to watch the results of the Consolidated Election come in. By about 9 p.m., it was announced that Levin was elected Mayor of the City of Elmhurst.
As of the latest posting of (still unofficial) results by the DuPage County Board of Elections at 11:48 p.m. Tuesday evening, with 100% precincts reporting, Levin received almost 41% with 3,391 votes; following was Michael Bram with 2,798 votes or 33.8%; and, Mark Mulliner, who brought in almost 25% of the vote with 2,039.
In the Wards
Jennifer Veremis took the lead in the 1st Ward with 586 votes over Susan M. Smentek, with 449, and Kevin J. Flanagan, 151. This race is for a two-year term to fill the vacant seat formerly held by Mark Sabatino. First Ward Alderman Marti Deuter was re-elected to her seat for another four-year term.
In the 2nd Ward, Jacob Hill beat Tristan E. Dacre by a vote of 596-289, earning 67.36% of the vote for the seat long-held by former alderman Norman Leader, who has retired.
Christopher R. Jensen was the top vote-getter in the 3rd Ward taking 387 votes over Nektarios Arvanitis, with 329, and Alan Quarrie’s 159. This is the seat formerly held by Michael Bram who did not seek re-election, but rather, ran for Mayor.
The 6th Ward race was closely watched as the closest race of the evening between top contenders Emily Bastedo and Yeena Yoo. In the end Bastedo garnered more than 46% of the vote with 713 votes. Yoo received 611, Peter M. Dabertin, 128, and Peter Ahern with 110.
Along with Deuter in the First Ward, other aldermen in uncontested races include Brian B. Cahill, Ward 4; Tina Park, Ward 5; and, Mike Brennan, Ward 7.
Since he has two years of his term remaining, Mulliner will remain on the dais and continue representing the 7th Ward.
Another uncontested race was the re-election of Jackie Haddad-Tamer as City Clerk.
Reminder: Election results are still unofficial, per the DuPage County Board of Elections.
At D205, Collins, Caforio retain seats, joined by Arvanitis
Of the six persons seeking one of three seats on the School District 205 Board of Directors, incumbent Jim Collins retained his seat with 4,002 votes, almost 22% of the total vote. The next top vote-getters were Athena Arvanitis and Kara Caforio, with 3,776 and 3,333, respectively. Other candidates received votes as follows; Laurel Achrementi, 2,823; Gordon Snyder, 2,738; and, T. Marie Gall, 2,099. At press time, election results were unofficial.
Elmhurst Park Board of Commissioners
At the Elmhurst Park Board, Kevin Graf was only one candidate on the ballot, but there were unconfirmed names of people who ran as write-in candidates. The Elmhurst Independent will bring its readers the full story in an upcoming issue.