Report of alleged gunman puts University on lockdown
About 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, dozens of police squad cars were seen around Elmhurst University, blocking virtually every entrance to the campus, after it was reported that a gunman had allegedly been spotted in or near one of the dormitories. The lockdown was lifted by about 5:30 p.m. News reports indicated authorities searched several buildings in the area, but it remains unclear whether or not a suspect was identified.
By Dee Longfellow
For The Elmhurst Independent
About 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, dozens of police squad cars were seen around the campus of Elmhurst University after it was reported that a gunman had allegedly been spotted on the campus. With three helicopters whirling overhead, neighbors and news reporters stood by anxiously awaiting any news.
About 5 p.m., it was reported on Channel 7 news that a gunman had been spotted near the Niebuhr Hall residence. The report indicated the gunman moved on to another dormitory at the south end of the campus. As quickly as it began, the lockdown was lifted and the incident seemed to be over by about 5:30.
After asking students and faculty to “seek shelter in a locked room,” authorities searched several buildings in the area, but it was unclear whether a suspect was identified.
This information was also shared on the Elmhurst University web site.
This story will be updated as news becomes official.