Welcome to the Elmhurst Independent’s Community Calendar Upcoming events will be published, even if they are virtual and only available online. Please remember to be safe when attending live events by wearing masks, using hand sanitizer and maintaining the proper social distance.
If your club or organization is gathering during this time, live OR virtually, you can send the information to Independent@rvpublishing.com and put “Community Calendar” in the Subject line.
Friday, Dec. 25
The Elmhurst Independent wishes all its readers and families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let’s hope for a safer, healthier 2021, when we can come back together and celebrate our community again.
Ongoing programs:
• Rotary Club of Elmhurst holds a Zoom meeting every Thursday at 12 noon. See what we’re all about and consider joining men and women who do good work in the community. Contact Rotary President Charlie Laliberte for Zoom invite details. Charlielaliberte@gmail.com.
• Now through Feb. 14, 2021, the Elmhurst Art Museum presents a socially-distanced self-guided, outdoor walking tour of Elmhurst’s modern architecture. Purchase admission ticket at the web site, however, admission is free during Wright Before the “Lloyd” exhibition currently on display through Feb. 14. Link to guided audio tour expires five days after activating custom code. Advanced purchase recommended. Free to members. Visit elmhurstartmuseum.org.
Current exhibitions:
Elmhurst Art Museum
NOTE: Exhibition run dates recently changed due to new Museum hours
– Wright Before the “Lloyd,” open now through February 14, 2021, features images and artifacts that portray the eclectic, early explorations of one of the world’s greatest architects and is curated by Chicago’s official cultural historian Tim Samuelson.
Lizzadro Museum
Now until January 2021, a Special Exhibit is on display called “Re-carving the Past: The Art of Chinese Bronze and Jades.” The exhibition features 11 bronzes from the MacLean Collection and 16 Jade carvings from the Lizzadro Museum illustrating the enduring importance of antiquity in Chinese art and culture. Formerly located in Wilder Park, the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art can now be found at 1220 Kensington Road in Oak Brook.