These District 88 volunteers show off the T-shirts they received for helping run the summer food service program for Addison residents.
One of the many challenges resulting from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been making sure families continue to receive the food and nutrition they need. During this unprecedented time, District 88 has been committed to providing a program to ensure students and community members have access to meals.
From March 17 to Aug. 18, District 88 partnered with Addison School District 4, School District 45, Salt Creek School District 48, Arbor Management, Chartwells and Cottage Hill Operating Company to offer free meals at various locations in Addison and Villa Park for all residents up to the age of 18.
The program involved hundreds of volunteers (including staff members, administrators and community members) stepping up each week to prepare and distribute the food items. In the end, 385,952 meals were provided. This was a tremendous collaboration and an example of how these organizations connect with and care for students and families.
District 88 will now transition to offering food to students enrolled in the district. The distribution will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. each Wednesday (starting on Aug. 26) at Addison Trail and Willowbrook.