By the authority granted by Elmhurst City Council on March 16, 2020, Mayor Steve Morley has declared a Civil Emergency in response to the public health emergency of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mayor Morley’s executive order was issued with the intent of lessening the hardships that have transpired due to the spread of the virus.
COVID-19 has resulted in significant economic impact, including the loss of income and wages, that undermine financial security and stability for the Elmhurst residents and business owners.
“We are constantly evaluating ways in which we can provide services and relief to Elmhurst residents and business owners during this difficult time,” said Morley. “We are prepared to protect our community and take measures to alleviate the burden that has resulted from this pandemic.”
The following executive orders were set in place on March 23, 2020:
Emergency Daycare
The suspension of requirement for business license issuance and/or any other necessary sections of Elmhurst Municipal Code for the purpose of Elmhurst Hospital establishing a temporary child day-care facility at a public school dedicated solely for the use of Elmhurst Hospital employees while providing essential health care services as deemed appropriate by Community Unit School District 205 and the City.
Uninterrupted Service/ Late Fees
· Delinquent charges and discontinuation of services are temporarily suspended.
Vehicle License Fees
The payment of vehicle license fees for City vehicle stickers is extended to June 1, 2020.
Liquor Sales/Packaged Goods
Elmhurst Municipal Code relating to Class RSB and Class WBBS retail liquor licenses are temporarily suspended to allow for retail sales of originally packaged beer, wine and/or liquor for off-premises consumption during regularly permitted hours under existing ordinances.
Solicitor Permits
The issuance and/or existing Solicitors Permits are temporarily suspended. Any resident or business owner who encounters a solicitor should immediately contact Elmhurst Police.
City services
City Hall offices remain closed to the public, however City personnel can be reached online at, by email or over the phone at (630) 530-3000. The Elmhurst Police Department, Elmhurst Fire Department and Public Works Department continue to offer the same essential services to the community. City business can be conducted online at
For more information on COVID-19 from the City of Elmhurst, please visit