Cancer patients invited to enter to receive free wig
By Dee Longfellow
For The elmhurst Independent
There is a local business that offers a special service to cancer patients, which is offering a giveaway contest to help those in need.
According to owner and president Kimberly Johnson, Chrysalis Custom Hair is a wig salon that creates custom made wigs for all women, but especially focuses on those who are going through cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, when patients often lose their hair.
Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Johnson is accepting entries into her 5th Annual Wig Giveaway event, which is a chance for cancer patients to receive a donated, washed and refurbished wig. The purpose of the Chrysalis Custom Hair Wig Giveaway is to redistribute donated wigs to women experiencing medical hair loss in need of a wig, according to Johnson.
“The skilled and experienced stylists at Chrysalis Custom Hair have carefully washed, refurbished and styled each wig,” she said. “The giveaway is made possible through generous wig donations from women and their families.”
Registration opens at midnight on Oct. 1, 2019 and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 20, 2019. To enter visit ChrysalisCustomHair.com and click on Wig Giveaway.
Chrysalis Custom Hair has two locations, one at 3015 W. Roscoe St. in Chicago and the other at 565 No. York St. in Elmhurst. The fitting event for the wig recipients will be held at the Elmhurst location after the names are announced.
To learn more, call (844) 384-9447 or visit ChrysalisCustomHair.com to read testimonials from the company’s many customers.