Single moms along with your children are invited to the next Single Mothers Luncheon event scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 14 from 12:15-2:30 p.m. to hear a special guest speaker.
The program will be feature pediatric ER doctor and author/lecturer LinaAbujamra, who uses the same skills serving patients in the ER as she does helping women build their faith and manage critical decisions. She is the founder of Living with Power Ministries. Her deepest desire is to help people live life with power by connecting biblical answers to everyday life.
AbuJamra’s most recent book “Thrive” has taken her back to her birth country in the Middle East, where she provided medical care for the Syrian refugees. Lina still practices medicine, but spends most of her time speaking and providing Biblical truth to everyday life.
She is the author of three books: Thrive: The Single Life as God Intended; Stripped: When God’s Call Turns from Yes to Why Me?andResolved: 10 Ways to Stand Strong and Live What You Believe. Her website can be found at livingwithpower.org
The event will take place at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church, 149 W. Brush Hill Rd., just west of Elmhurst Hospital. Lina will speak at 1:10 p.m., at which time children will go to age-appropriate activities. There is no fee to attend. For more information about the event, visit elmhurstcrc.org/she or send an email to: [email protected].