Elmhurst Choral Union in concert
Love to sing? Singers interested in singing with a full orchestra and challenging their vocal skills are invited to audition for Elmhurst Choral Union. ECU’s season includes music by Copland, Rutter, Randall Thompson, Howard Hanson, and arrangements by choral legend Robert Shaw.
Membership is open to singers with previous choral experience or the ability to read music. Openings are available in all voice ranges.
To reserve an audition appointment on Tuesday evening, August 29, leave a message at 630-758-1100 or through the contact page at elmhurstchoralunion.org. A volunteer will respond to schedule an audition time.
Auditions involve a vocal warm-up with a piece of the singer’s choice.
Concert rehearsals begin Tuesday, September 12 on the campus of Elmhurst College.
Elmhurst Choral Union is an outstanding volunteer chorus, performing classical masterworks and great choral music of all eras with professional orchestra and soloists. For more information call
630-758-1100 or visit [email protected]