More than 600 people purchased tickets for the July 9, 2017 Elmhurst Garden Walk, including long-time friends Ellen Hampson and Betsy DiVita, pictured exiting the rose trellised arbor gate in Mary Pat Lamke and Drew Otte’s garden located on the 200 block of Illinois Avenue. The pair stated they have been going on the garden walk together for the last ten years and that “every year is better than the year before.”
Monarch exhibit a hit with the kids
By Marisa Mancini
For The Elmhurst Independent
A delightful crowd of women, men, and children enjoyed the Elmhurst Garden Club’s 22nd annual Garden Walk & Faire on Sunday, July 9. The “An Afternoon in the Garden” event featured six lovely private gardens, a public garden located in York Community High School’s interior courtyard, and the Faire in Wilder Park. Proceeds from the Garden Club fund horticultural scholarships to college students and the needs of local community groups.