A new Illinois law means traditional landline phones will eventually be a thing of the past.
However, AT&T says it will not happen in the near future.
Illinois’ new telecom law allows AT&T to stop supporting infrastructure for old landline phones. Those are the lines that don’t come packaged with cable TV or internet.
But AT&T President Paul La Schiazza said in a statement that the small percentage of remaining landline customers in Illinois won’t see their phone service go away for a few years.
“It’s important for our Illinois customers to know that traditional landline phone service from AT&T is not going away anytime soon,” La Schiazza said.
Jim Chilsen with the Citizens Utility Board said the FCC still has to agree to let AT&T make the switch.
”AT&T says it could take a few years,” Chilsen said. “By saying it will take a few years, AT&T is acknowledging what we’ve been saying for years—that AT&T can’t provide a reliable alternative to traditional, landline phone service.”
Only about 10 percent of people in Illinois only have landline service. AT&T’s La Schiazza said switching away from landlines will mean more investment in newer technologies.
“AT&T is upgrading the technology for home phone service. While most customers are enjoying updated technologies today, including wireless service and modern landline service, AT&T currently continues to sell and provide traditional landline phone service to our customers,” La Schiazza added.