Unveiled at Dancing Under the Stars event
Members of the Elmhurst Fire Department displayed their brand new advanced life support (ALS) Rapid Response Vehicle at the “Dancing Under the Stars” event held at the Addison Parking Garage to thank the City of Elmhurst for its part in supporting the program.
The vehicle, a 2017 Ford Explorer, will be known as Rescue 1. Elmhurst Fire Department paramedics will staff the Rapid Response Vehicle around the clock, greatly enhancing existing ALS service, which is provided with a paramedic transport (Medic 1 and Medic 2). All of the equipment, including a cardiac monitor/defibrillator, ALS medications, and a Zoll AutoPulse, fits perfectly in the back of the vehicle. Additionally, the vehicle is more maneuverable through city traffic.
“We are on the cutting edge here in Elmhurst, providing paramedics and an advanced support Rapid Response Vehicle,” explained Fire Chief Thomas Freeman, during its display.
The Elmhurst Fire Department is one of the first departments in the county to use this new service model. When a paramedic is in the Rapid Response Vehicle and he/she is not needed to go to the hospital, the paramedic will be available to go on another call. This will help reduce time paramedics spend waiting at the hospital for reports to be completed and the ambulance to be restocked, resulting in the immediate availability for subsequent emergencies in the City.