DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert B. Berlin announced today that Judge John Kinsella has sentenced Timothy Peltz, 52 (d.o.b. 10/12/1964) of Wheaton, to thirty-four years in the Illinois Department of Corrections for sexually assaulting a minor female. On January 20, 2017, Peltz appeared before Judge Kinsella where he entered a plea of guilty to four counts of Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child, a Class X Felony. This afternoon, Judge Kinsella sentenced Peltz to 8 ½ years on each count with the counts to be served consecutively for a total of thirty-four years
Today’s sentence stems from allegations that from January 1, 2008, through August 4, 2013, Peltz sexually assaulted his minor victim on multiple occasions. The assaults came to an end when the victim became physically able to resist and then told her mother what Peltz had done to her. The girl’s mother immediately contacted the Wheaton Police Department who in turn contacted the DuPage County Children’s Center. On September 1, 2016, Peltz appeared in bond court where his bond was set at $1 million with 10% to apply. He has remained in custody since that time.
“For more than five years, Mr. Peltz repeatedly sexually assaulted this very young girl to satisfy his perverse sexual obsessions,” Berlin said. “It wasn’t until his victim became older and physically stronger that she was able to put an end to his nauseating behavior. Thankfully, she went one step further than simply putting an end to Mr. Peltz’s assaults and told her mother what had happened to her. To do so took extraordinary strength and courage on her part and for that I commend her. I would also like to thank her mother for bringing this matter to our attention. Thanks to them, Mr. Peltz will spend what could amount to the rest of his life behind bars where he will be unable to prey upon little girls ever again. I would like to thank the Wheaton Police Department and the DuPage County Children’s Center for their work on this very disturbing case. I would like to thank Robert Holguin and Stephanie Mogensen of the DuPage County Children’s Center as well as Assistant State’s Attorney Jennifer Lindt for their outstanding work in holding Mr. Peltz responsible for what he did to a young, innocent little girl.”
Peltz will be required to serve 85% of his sentence before being eligible for parole. He will also be required to register as a sex offender for life.