Lombard police reported that an accident involving three vehicles-including a police patrol vehicle-took place at the intersection of Main Street and Wilson near Glenbard East High School at around 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 5. Police said the driver of a white Toyota traveling southbound on Main Street went through a red light, hitting the patrol vehicle, which in turn spun around and hit a third vehicle on the west side of Wilson that was waiting at the light. Accidents happen with any vehicle. But this doesn’t mean that because they do happen so often that you should just brush it off. If you’ve been involved in an accident like this, getting assistance from a qualified car accident lawyer would be a good place to start. Even if it means doing a quick google search into something like wood-law-firm-amarillo-motor-vehicle-accident-attorneys (if you live in Texas), this shows that you are at least willing to get the answers and compensation you deserve after an incident like this.
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Sgt. Paul Nevara of the Lombard Police Department (pictured above) suffered minor injuries. He was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove where he was treated and released. The driver of the third vehicle was not injured. They are very lucky, as more times than not the injuries sustained from such an incident are a lot worse. It may be a good idea to look for some long term disability insurance quotes if you don’t already have disability insurance, as you never know when you might be involved in an accident like this which could leave you with permanent and debilitating injuries.
Wilson Street, just west of the intersection, was closed for between a half hour and 45 minutes, according to police. Citations will be issued pending completion of the accident report.