ONE MORE DAY – DEADLINE 5/12 FOR “My Teacher is the BEST!”

Is your child’s teacher more than just a teacher? Does he/she provide an outstanding role model for him or her? If so, please have your child write and tell us in 100 words or less. The first 75 letters will appear in our May 25th paper. All letters to be posted on our website. The winning teacher will receive dinner for two at an Elmhurst restaurant and recognition in the Elmhurst Independent along with the child who wrote the winning letter (hopefully your child). Letters will be judged by our Editor. 

Letter Deadline: Friday, May 12th by 3 PM

Contest Limited to Grammar School Children in Elmhurst

Send entries to or drop off by Deadline:
The Independent Newspapers
240 N. West Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126
Entries can also be Emailed to:

Be sure to include:
Your Name:
Your School:
Your Grade:
Your Teacher’s Name:

Letters will appear in our May 25th issue of The Elmhurst Independent.