Memories, modernization, progress revealed in contents
By Dee Longfellow
For The Elmhurst Independent

Time marches on… we see it on our faces in the mirror and the faces of our children as they grow and mature. Time is much more meaningful when it is remembered over a period of several years — like 25.

On Saturday, April 29, a group of Elmhurst teen volunteers — some from today, others from 25 years ago — gathered in the East Lobby of Elmhurst Memorial Hospital to open a time capsule that had been assembled in 1992. In addition, today’s teen volunteers put together a new time capsule to be opened in 25 years — that is, 2042. By then, hopefully, this new facility will have celebrated many happy anniversaries. With plentiful hospital anniversary ideas out there, these future events are sure to be marked and celebrated well!
Among the volunteers is a mother-daughter team from Elmhurst. Carol Raimondi was a volunteer back in 1992 when the first time capsule was made. Her daughter Isabella, currently a volunteer at the hospital, collected items for the time capsule to be sealed away now.
Following her volunteer experience, Carol was later employed by the hospital as a nurse and has worked there ever since.
“I have been a volunteer here at the hospital, I’ve been a patient and I’ve worked as a nurse as well,” she said. “I can’t say enough about how Elmhurst Hospital values its volunteers.”
Carol is especially proud her daughter is taking part in the volunteer program and it’s clear by the look on her face that Isabella enjoys it, too.

Once opened, the time capsule contained a Candy-Striper dress, a shirt worn by male volunteers, local community newspapers from that era, supplies used like baby items and much more. There was a letter inside the capsule that was read to the group. A letter will be placed inside this “new” time capsule for reading in 2042.
There was also a list of phrases popular at the time — like “NOT!” (As in, “I like you — NOT!”)
Although time marches on, it’s nice to be able to get together with old friends and share some memories of earlier days.