The Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (EMH) Foundation has awarded scholarships to 12 area high school students who volunteer at the Hospital and plan to pursue careers in healthcare or other related fields. Pictured are (back row, from left): Lora Vega, Director, Volunteer Services; Dee Panek, Volunteer Coordinator; recipients Amber Mataczynski, Isabella Baumann, Elizabeth Maloney, Nicole Porio, Vanessa Lococo, Amy Rogala; Susan Tyburski, Executive Director, EMH Foundation; (front row, from left): recipients Erina Maranda, Amanda Bardhoshi, Samiyya Ahmed and Hajar Mchabcheb.
The Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (EMH) Foundation has awarded $22,000 in Teen Volunteer Health Profession Scholarships to 12 area high school students who volunteer at Elmhurst Hospital and plan to pursue careers in a health-related field.
Recipients, their high schools and areas of study are:
Samiyya Ahmed, York, Physician
Amanda Bardhoshi, York, Physician
Isabella Baumann, Fenwick, Neuroscience Research
Josh Jonkman, York, Nurse Practitioner
Vanessa Lococo, York, Nursing
Elizabeth Maloney, IC Catholic, Nursing
Amber Mataczynski, St. Joseph, Pediatrics
Erina Maranda, York, Physician
Hajar Mchabcheb, Islamic Foundation, Dentistry
Nicole Porio, IC Catholic, Physician
Amy Rogala, York, Nursing
Amalia Siavelis, York, Biomedical Engineering
Elmhurst Hospital teen volunteers must meet a rigorous set of criteria to qualify for a scholarship, including scholastic achievements, minimum 160 hours of volunteer service in the hospital, strong performance evaluations from the Volunteer Department, community service and pursuit of a career in a health-related field.
Funds for the scholarships were raised through the Foundation’s annual Reindeer Route Housewalk.
The Foundation congratulates these deserving teens,” said Susan Tyburski, Executive Director, EMH Foundation. “We are pleased to support each of them on their journey toward a very bright future.”
For more information, call (331) 221-0388.