Never fear – God Squad is here! If Montini Catholic’s small team of enthusiast student volunteers had a motto – this could be it. The God Squad has been preparing the gym for Montini Catholic’s masses and prayer services for three years and counting. The small group is tasked with getting the gym ready for 600 plus, students and staff for the high school’s monthly Masses, Holy Days and Prayer Services.
The squad gets started early at 7:15 a.m. to help set up, by rolling out the mats protecting the gym floor and setting up over 200 chairs. They also transfer the altar, podium, candles, crucifix, etc. from the chapel to the gymnasium.
The group was founded by beloved Theology teacher, Dr. Joseph Mordente. “Our Campus Ministry team needed help in setting up the gym for Holy Mass so they asked me if I could help out,” he explained. “I got some kids together that I knew would love to be of service and, ‘Voila’, the “GodSquad” was born!” Theology teacher, Mrs. Barb Caruso volunteered to help out as well, and the “squad” was off and running.
“One never realizes the work it takes to hold a Mass in a gymnasium,” said President Jim Segredo. “We forget about the behind-the-scenes volunteers who make sure that everything runs smoothly. We are thankful for Jack, Justin and Mia – and our Zero Hour PE Classes – and the important work they do.”