For The Villa Park Independent
National elections seem to get all the attention, but as the saying goes ‘all politics is local.’ The Consolidated General Election on April 4, 2017 could be characterized as ‘more local than most’ for Villa Park residents.
“I hope Villa Park voters turn out for this very important election,” said State Senator Thomas Cullerton (D-23rd), who also lives in Villa Park, “We’ll be electing a new Village President, there are two referendum questions on the ballot, and don’t forget the three trustee seats.”
Cullerton, who served a term as Village President before winning election to the State Senate in 2010 began his public service as a Villa Park Trustee.
There are four residents running to fill the three open seats on the Village Board of Trustees. Two of the candidates are incumbents and two are long-time residents.

David Cilella
David Cilella, who has lived in Villa Park for 29 years, cites his three-plus decades of experience in municipal work for Addison and Lombard as a strength.
“I have a passion (working) for municipalities, I can make a difference,” Cilella said during the recent candidates forum.
Cilella plans on leveraging his municipal experience working for the Public Works departments of both neighboring communities. He retired from Lombard Public Works in 2013. He has years of experience in paving, street sweeping and ‘everything in-between.’ Infrastructure issues such as separation of legacy combined storm and sanitary sewer systems in parts of Villa Park are a main concern for the 63-year-old candidate. Paying for such infrastructure needs is always a concern. Cilella said he would work to make Villa Park more attractive to businesses. Falling back on his Public Works experience again, Cilella suggested efforts to beautify Villa Park would be one way to attract those businesses.

Nick Cuzzone
Trustee Nick Cuzzone, an incumbent, was first elected in 2015 to serve the remaining two years left on John Davis’ term when Davis stepped down due to poor health. The 32 year Villa Park resident also touched on making Villa Park more inviting to potential businesses. Easing the permitting processes have been a focus of his tenure on the Board. He plans on continuing to work with Village staff to ensure permitting is done efficiently and is cost effective for both residents and potential businesses and developers. Cuzzone also noted that plans for a centralized pool and recreation center have been discussed in Villa Park for years. With aging pools and disparate recreational facilities, such a modern structure would be “one of the largest potential projects for the future.”

Cheryl Orlow Tucker
Born and raised in Villa Park, Cheryl Orlow Tucker noted her parents have lived in the Garden Village for more than 60 years. She raised two children in Villa Park and has been very active with commissions, volunteering and ‘keeping tabs’ on the Village government.
“Why, you ask, am I the best candidate?” Tucker states on her Facebook page. “Because I am not running for any political interest or personal gains, so I have no one to answer to, but the people of Villa Park.”
A frequent attendee at Board of Trustee meetings for years, Tucker often asks questions and seeks clarification of items during both public participation on agenda and non-agenda items portions of the meetings. During the candidates forum, Tucker said one of her priorities as a Trustee would be to ‘stay up to date with the Village Manager and staff.’ With millions of dollars in road work scheduled to commence over the next three years, Tucker wants voters to know she will be vigilant in staying in communication with the staff responsible for the projects.

Robert ‘Bob’ Wagner
Trustee Robert ‘Bob’ Wagner is an incumbent running for a second term on the Board. Elected in 2013, the 34-year resident of Villa Park was a member of the Library Board for 15 years. He has been very active in the community, having also served on the Environmental Concerns Commission and neighborhood watch groups. With his term expiring, Wagner decided to seek reelection because he feels that he has gotten over the learning curve and he can work even better with Village staff to accomplish goals for the residents.
“Things are clearer to me,” Wagner said at the candidates forum. “I think I would do a better job as a trustee in the next term.”
Village finances are always important, and Wagner noted that pension costs for police and firefighters were a big part of the village’s budget. To help pay these costs without additional taxes, Wagner proposes to ‘retool’ various zoning ordinances to attract more development to Villa Park.
Each of the three Trustees who win election will need to work with whoever the new Village President is. With Deborah Bullwinkel deciding not to seek a second term as Village President, the only thing certain is there will be changes.
The three candidates for Village President are long-time resident and business owner Charles ‘Chuck’ Pickerill, Trustee Robert ‘Bob’ Taglia, who decided to run for the Presidency instead of seeking a 3rd term as Trustee and will be off the dais if he does not win the Village President’s position; and, Trustee Al Bulthuis. If Bulthuis does not win the President seat, he will still be a Trustee with his term expiring in 2019. If Bulthuis wins, however, an opening on the Board will occur. That seat would be filled by an appointee, who would also need approval by the Board.