Chicago cast of Tony & Tina’s Wedding to perform in Elmhurst
By Dee Longfellow
For The Elmhurst Independent
Last week, the Independent was able to catch up with Butch Navarro of Navarro Catering & Events who is bringing the professional cast and crew of Tony & Tina’s Wedding to Elmhurst for a one-night-only performance of the production on Saturday, September 24 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Elmhurst.

Paul Stroili, director of Tony & Tina’s wedding, which is coming to Elmhurst for a one-night only performance on Saturday, Sept. 24.
The show, directed by Paul Stroili, is returning to Chicago after a 12-year run in the 1990’s and worldwide since then. The show returns to the Windy City starting from Sept. 22 – Oct. 29. The troupe coming to perform in Elmhurst is the same cast that appears in Chicago.
If you are unfamiliar with the production, ticket-holders actually attend the “wedding” of Italian couple Tony and Tina, at the church as well as the reception. You will find a guest at your table whom you may not realize, because the person is a part of this interactive performance. You’ll enjoy the evening just as you would any wedding, with dinner, dancing and a few wacky relatives and guests. Enjoy Vinnie Black’s Buffet of Love, wedding cake and a champagne toast as you laugh and dance the night away. Guests are invited to wear 1980s attire, if desired.
Food will be provided by Navarro Catering, who will make it a great night full of fun, great music, good food and much more. There will be a cash bar throughout the evening.
Tickets are: $75 per person for “Friend of the family seating” (general seating); or $85 per person for “Family seating” (VIPs). Theater-goers are urged to gather friends, family, neighbors, even clients and customers and bring them along to this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to see a top-notch production of a popular play.
Checks will be made payable to the Elmhurst Knights of Columbus and mailed to Butch Navarro at: 322 E. Parkview Ave. Elmhurst, 60126. There is also a credit card payment system, which will require a $3 charge to each tickets.
Reserve early for the best seating, as space is limited. Remember, this is a single performance in Elmhurst.
For tickets and information, call (630) 638-0110.