Field parents steamed about transfer of multi-needs students


Ask where is transparency, after learning of move by form letter

By Dee Longfellow

For The Elmhurst Independent

Last week, the Independent learned that some parents at Field School were calling District 205 to task after learning their multi-needs student would be transferring from Field to Emerson for instruction next year.

As if a student’s sudden transfer to a new school wasn’t bad enough, parents told The Independent they had to find out by reading a form letter that came home from school in a child’s backpack. While usually a good form of communication, the backpack method seemed a bit careless and informal for something as serious as transferring students to other schools. Parents would have preferred phone calls or e-mails at the very least, which led to the question of transparency. There were also no focus groups or parental input before making the decision to move the students.

An e-mail was sent to District 205 Superintendent Dr. David Moyer and to the members of the District 205 School Board last week to question the matter. It began with praise for the district, but then expressed disappointment in how the transfer of students was handled, especially in terms of letting the parents know.

“As parents, we entrust you with an enormous responsibility–to continually prioritize the needs of all our students,” the e-mail, copied to The Independent, read. “To this end, we depend upon you to foster and cultivate an environment rooted in transparency when it comes to decision making and willingness to listen with an open mind to both parents and children. We value your support of our right to ask questions, express concerns, and receive tangible, reasonable answers and/or remedies.

“As residents living within District 205, we are currently faced with a situation that many of us believe is a test of that dynamic.”

The e-mail also informed District 205 officials that a petition had been started, which had 350 signatures in its first few days, 451 at press time. It indicated that it was not only for Field and Emerson but also for all District 205 Schools.

“For, if the decision in question regarding the relocation of multi-needs students from Field to Emerson can seemingly be made without transparency, regard to parent input, and a sincere effort to encourage a productive dialogue (that leaves residents believing they truly have a voice in their own community), it can happen anywhere,” the e-mail read. “We take too much pride in our schools, care for our children too much, and are too dedicated to advocating for their happiness and success to let that happen.”

The petition notes how the abrupt change in schools can cause great disruption to the development of children who are already struggling and it could set those students back in their progress. The social implications of separating from the friends, peers and teachers with whom they are familiar can be equally devastating.

Due to the holiday week, the Independent was not able to obtain a response from District 205 by press time.

For more information or to sign the petition, visit